

Traveling: Read and what's your view

Traveling: Read and what's your view

Moving from one place to another can be adventure for some and can be filled with troubles for some.

Long distance could bring about tiredness unlike short distance travel.

The reason for traveling also matters, someone going for burial has a different feeling from someone going for a love wedding.

The rich has money to buy new things when they go for a shopping spree on a travel. The poor don't.

The happiness in traveling matters. You need money to travel but money is not everything.

Compliments of the Season

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Money: Read and what's your view

Money: Read and what's your view

Money is used to pay for a lot of things both cheap and expensive stuffs, it ranges from food, shelter to clothing and many other stuffs you can think of as an individual.

One can either make money or lose money. The Holy Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. The Rich and poor can be guilty of this love of money stuff. 

The Rich case is you have a lot or are comfortable but you don't mind doing evil to get more.

The poor's case is that you don't have and you will do anything evil just to have a taste of money and what it can get you.

People earn money through different professions e.g. marketing, trader, white collar jobs, masons, real estate agent, owning schools, teaching, business owners, affiliate program, etc. Just when you replace the money with the love of God then you can ask that God gives you the grace to earn money in the right means and to spend wisely.

Money can buy lots of things but God is the right person to provide this money so you can have all the goodness the world can give you because afterall God created the world and all that is in it. There nothing that science and technology gives that is not from nature and nature was created by God himself. The knowledge of Science and Technology is God's own. Be rest assured that you do not know more than God himself no matter how educated or uneducated you are.

Good luck on your making money.

Moreover, there are lots of Digital Products on my How far Blog on that can assist you in your money making. So, let's make money nicely. Visit How far Blog now to get started today....

Compliments of the Season

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The Rich also Cry: Read and what's your view

The Rich also Cry: Read and what's your view

Just like the poor have pains and sorrows, so also do the rich have pains and sorrows. 

Just like the poor have joy and happiness, so also do the rich have joy and happiness.

The poor lose their loved ones to the hands of death so also do the rich.   In this case, the poor would say if I had money, this my beloved one wouldn't have died while the rich will say, upon all these money I have gathered over all the years I could not still save my beloved one.

Similar cases just like the ones above mentioned.

So, we all can trust in God Almighty who sees everyone as equal in His Beautiful Holy eyes. Everyone on this earth knows that there is God, even the Atheist(those who claim there is no God with all the proof they could present) know that there is God. So, just trust God.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2023 New Year in advance!

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Clothing: Read and what's your own view

Clothing: Read and what's your own view

Clothes are generally used to cover ones nakedness. Remember the story of adam and eve in the Holy Bible and how they discovered they were naked after eating forbidden fruits.

With time, humans have grown from using leaves to using science and technology to make more lasting wears for themselves.

In all cases, we have the rich and the poor, so, irrespective of the type of clothes  taste you think you have or the type of clothes you would love to wear, the money in your pocket determines what you get to wear most times unless one lends or gifts you the cloth.

It goes to say why this adage was formed. "Cut your coat according to your cloth". Moreover, the Holy Bible (A Very High Inspirational Book) says that we should not depend on what we put on to make or determine our beauty but we should look at what is inside our heart as that is what beautifies us inside out.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2023 New Year in advance!

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