

Bride Price & Marriage: Read and what's your view

Bride Price & Marriage: Read and what's your view

One marriage I am sure based on the Holy Bible that had nothing to do with bride Price or a physical pastor or priest joining them together was the marriage between our most popular Adam and Eve.

Biblical Facts
Adam had no father or mother (no parents) from beginning till the end of his life.
Eve had no father or mother (no parents) from beginning till the end of her life.

Adam was the first and only male in the world back then

Eve was the first and only female in the world back then

The Holy Bible story line: God created one man called Adam and saw that he was lonely and needed a helpmate (not housemate or housemaid) then he took a rib from him when was asleep and created a female called Eve and asked them to to go out and multiply.

So, when Eve eventually misled Adam into eating the forbidden fruit from that tree 🌲 (some say it is apple tree, but that's by the way), there was no parent to report the issue/case to and moreover the only visitor that was of their own image was God and he asked what happened and he (Adam) reported her to God while she (Eve) report the reptile (snake) to God. 

Moral Lesson 1: Right from time nobody wants to be blamed for what he or she does but God trained them with punishment that same day. 

Moral lesson 2: Learn to report your spouse to God first because He gave that spouse to you.

Praise God!

What's your own moral lesson from this story?

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The Blessings of Lord maketh rich and addeth no sorrow: Read and what's your view

The Blessings of the Lord, it maketh rich and He addeth no sorrow to it: PROVERBS 10:22

Riches could mean money or many other things, for example, to be
(a) rich in glory
(b) rich in majesty
(c) rich in power
(d) rich in honesty

Which other riches could you remember? Write them in the comment section.

Sorrows is not added to the blessings God offers, what the world calls sorrow is a stepping stone to greater things unfolded. Whatever blessings or reward you don't get here on earth will be waiting for you in heaven in a much more better and heavenly format or form once you live and die in Christ Jesus. "Love conquers all" because God is Love.

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Food: Read and what's your view

Food is a very essential part of every living thing (both plants and animals).

Human beings are living things and we all need food. Hunger without having to feed results in starvation. Willingly not eating when you have to feed even when hungry could be regarded as fasting. 

Food is crucial in most of not all social gathering. Burials, weddings, birthday, anniversary, memorial parties etc all need food for people to merry together.

Sometimes when friends or business partners meet up, they get food for themselves.

Proverbs 23

Verses 1-3) When dining with a rich man,[a] be on your guard and don’t stuff yourself, though it all tastes so good; for he is trying to bribe you, and no good is going to come of his invitation.

Verses 4-5) Don’t weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird!

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