

Money Talks: Read and what's your view

Money Talks: Read and what's your view

Never put money above God Himself who provides the money to you or allows you have money or seek money. (Seek yea first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you).

What do you have today that is not purchased with money by the Grace of God?  Nothing.

Imagine someone cooks and dashes/gifts you some portion out of it? You might have not given the person money but the person bought the food items with money.

Let's imagine the person that dashed/gifted you the cooked food was also dashed/gifted the food items by the food stuffs seller, note that the food stuff seller must have bought it directly from the farmer(s) or a foodstuff wholesaler(s).

Let's imagine that the farmer dashed the foodstuff seller (whether the retailer or the wholesaler) the foodstuffs, remember the farmer paid for workmanship, the seeds, root or stem he used to plant, he paid for the water or paid for the electricity used in pumping the water used in watering the plants, he waited for it to grow (Time is money), he paid for the fertilizer or manure, and so on and so forth. Imagine you also ate meat, the animal farmer attended to that cow (cow rearing), chicken (poultry), fish (fish farming) etc with his or her hard earned money and the lines of money exchange continues that way.

Even if you have an expensive dress now and you exchange it with someone else now for a powerbank or laptop through trade by barter this day and time, just know that each of those items was bought with money by the both parties involved or by someone else.

People will be quick to tell you that "Money answereth all things" .

Don't ever forget the God Almighty in heaven that gives you the permission to have such money.

If God permits the money to go, it goes but if He permits the money to stay, it stays. If you doubt me now, please go and verify this information from Job in the Bible who was stinkingly rich then became devastatingly poor and lost everyone too then God gave Him back all He permitted him to lose (This is even though the Bible said Job was a righteous man, the devil was just looking for trouble here and there and also looking for whom to devour).

Somebody say "GOD LIVES".

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Music: Read and what's your view

Music: Read and what's your view

Music is a melodious sound which gives peace, joy and happiness to the soul. Music is the opposite of noise.

Music entails those who produce the music and those who listen to music.

Who listens to music? Children, adults, male, females, elderly, youths, non professionals, professionals, animals like dogs etc.

Who produces music? Children, adults, males, females, elderly, youths non professionals, professionals.

Professionals could be instrumentalists, lyricists, singers etc

An instrumentalist could be a drummer, a pianist etc.

Music could be gospel (Good news), circular music (erotic, love or motivational) and so on and so forth.

How many favorite music do you have as a person? List them on the comment section of this particular write up.

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My Choice: Read and what's your view

My Choice: Read and what's your view

From the moment humans where created:

I have always had my choice to make.

You have always had your choices to make.

We all have choices to make in life whether good or bad.

God gives us the road to life and warns us about the road that leads to death.

God is the original owner of "DEMOCRACY".

He lists the benefits of choosing life and the consequences of choosing death.

The Holy Bible says that there is a way that seemeth right unto man but the end there of is destruction.

While some say when many people are saying the same thing, they can never be wrong. Just remember that hoodlums and unrepentant hardened criminals can be plenty in a situation, so if you follow the majority in such situations can you beat your chest afterwards to say that you are right.

One needs the spirit of discernment and pray for the Holy spirit that chooses not to please man, but only God always.

When you follow the crowd of righteous individuals' counsel then God is with you because only God gives the spirit of discernment and also gives the Grace to follow it.

The same God, based on the Holy Bible, that helped appoint King Saul through Prophet Samuel because the people were clamouring for a physical king had to dethrone King Saul indefinitely through the same Prophet Samuel who cared for and loved him because he chose the people's voice over God's voice. GOD SAID KILL ALL, BUT THE PEOPLE ASKED HIM TO SPARE. Sentimentally, the word 'kill', humans will say that cannot be God's instruction. God can kill all of them right from where He is but He chose King Saul to do it but Humans and King Saul felt more righteous than God Almighty who knows all and sees it all.

Saul's excuse: He said that he was scared of his people.

The Holy Bible says that one with God is majority.

Who remembers how many pestilence he sent on Egypt because pharoah was adamant?

If God sends any of His angels to send illnesses, earthquake, pestilence where you live, just ask God for mercy to be spared.

For Heaven's sake, God sent flood that wiped out all in this world except those in Noah's ark.

Just Fear God in your choices. I will keep making my choices.

May God not allow what befell Late King Saul and his household befall me.

Jonathan the son of King Saul, who loved David and fought for David was not spare.

Just Fear God in your doings please.

What about you? What will your daily choices be based on henceforth?

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Reading: Read and what's your view

Reading: Read and what's your view

People read for fun.
People read to pass.
People read to expand their knowledge.
People read to grow and develop their careers.

Why do you read?
What kind of books do you read?
What kind of topics do you research online?
What picks your interest?
Which social media platforms do you prefer their write ups?
Do you concentrate when you read or get distracted even when a pin drops on the floor?

People read Bibles, novels, research academical and non academical topics online, people read about sexual and non sexual relationships online, people read to maintain relationships or even discard relationships.

People follow people or organizations on different platforms just to get information.

The information could be comedy to make you laugh.
The information could be tragic to make you aware of the horrors and challenges of life.
The information could just make you more knowledgeable, wiser etc in front of your wise peers or it could make you look foolish in front of your wise or foolish peers.

What you read could depress and demoralize you or encourage and inspire you...

Always read here on for inspiring and informative write-up. 

Wishing to blow your mind with ideas and views from all spheres of life....

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Caring: Read and what's your view

Caring: Read and what's your view

You say someone cares in actions and not only in words.

Caring comes at different levels.

You could be at someone's topmost priority or average priority.

Someone said that you don't know what you have until you lose it.

Another says, "you should cut off those who keep you depressed and go for those who keep you sane and happy".

Another says, "you feel someone is jobless just because he or she happens to squeeze enough time from his or her tight schedule for you. Just wait until you are not on the person's priority list at all then you will see that he or she has been too busy". The person only cared for you and you rubbished it.

When someone cares for the opposite sex who is not family related, it doesn't necessarily mean that the person is "in-love" with you. The person just cares. It might be that the person just likes you, the person just loves you (brotherly, sisterly, friendly love etc). Assumption could be bad atimes.

Caring means caring
In love means in love.
Love means love.
Likeness means likeness.

The Rich can care for the poor,
The poor can care for the Rich.
The poor can care for the poor,
The Rich can care for the Rich.

Caring is not only giving out money, items, or any other material things, but

Caring can mean being present, 
Caring can mean giving out kind words that are true, not fake.

Why fake your care when you don't care if the person literally dies or lives...

See you some other time.

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Culture: Read and what's your view

Culture: Read and what's your view

Culture is the secondary environment that man builds upon the creation, comprising language, habits, ideas, beliefs, customs, social organization, inherited artifacts, technical processes, and values.

Secondary environment is an environment that is incidental or marginally important in a person’s life and in which interactions with others are comparatively brief and impersonal. An example is a bank or a shop.

Man means a human being of either sex; a person

Creation means the action or process of bringing something into existence.

Language means a system of communication used by a particular country or community.

Habit means a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

Idea means the aim or purpose.

Belief means trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something).

A custom is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances.

Social organization means the system of relationships between persons and among groups with regard to the division of activity and the functional arrangement of mutual obligations within society.

Inherited artifact mean a usually simple object (such as a tool or ornament) showing human workmanship or modification as distinguished from a natural object passed down from one generation to the next one.
especially an object remaining from a particular period, for example, caves containing prehistoric artifacts

Technical process Is a group of organized and systematized operations that take place within a given time frame and are composed of different consecutive stages, necessary for the manufacture of a product or else. At present, the technical processes are considered as fundamental, since they intervene in diverse areas of the life of the human beings.

Value means the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

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Cooking: Read and what's your view

Cooking: Read and what's your view

Some believe that all women must know how to cook.

Others think and believe that men should know how to cook also.

Some believe that a woman should learn how to cook from a tender age to have a good home in the future. One wonders why women still go to catering school if learning how to cook the best meals must be learnt from home only from tender age.

Most men behave as if the label "cooking is your hobby" is written on every woman's head.

Some believe that the place of a woman is only in the kitchen but it shouldn't be so.

The Bible says home making is part of it, making the home look good is part of it and you know that one can employ and ask anyone to help cook, clean, sew clothings for the husband and kids etc after all no be everybody be tailor.

Abeg o, stop pushing some ladies into deep singlehood.

Human beings just make the role of a wife seem like an unbearable hardwork. Many women have been complaining up and down. Worse still if na working lady....

Na the woman go still carry Belle for 9 months..... Such is life....What a wicked world....

Men keep eating.......

Note: I don't hate men and know that Jesus Christ was a man on this Earth too.🙂

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