Money Talks: Read and what's your view

Money Talks: Read and what's your view

Never put money above God Himself who provides the money to you or allows you have money or seek money. (Seek yea first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you).

What do you have today that is not purchased with money by the Grace of God?  Nothing.

Imagine someone cooks and dashes/gifts you some portion out of it? You might have not given the person money but the person bought the food items with money.

Let's imagine the person that dashed/gifted you the cooked food was also dashed/gifted the food items by the food stuffs seller, note that the food stuff seller must have bought it directly from the farmer(s) or a foodstuff wholesaler(s).

Let's imagine that the farmer dashed the foodstuff seller (whether the retailer or the wholesaler) the foodstuffs, remember the farmer paid for workmanship, the seeds, root or stem he used to plant, he paid for the water or paid for the electricity used in pumping the water used in watering the plants, he waited for it to grow (Time is money), he paid for the fertilizer or manure, and so on and so forth. Imagine you also ate meat, the animal farmer attended to that cow (cow rearing), chicken (poultry), fish (fish farming) etc with his or her hard earned money and the lines of money exchange continues that way.

Even if you have an expensive dress now and you exchange it with someone else now for a powerbank or laptop through trade by barter this day and time, just know that each of those items was bought with money by the both parties involved or by someone else.

People will be quick to tell you that "Money answereth all things" .

Don't ever forget the God Almighty in heaven that gives you the permission to have such money.

If God permits the money to go, it goes but if He permits the money to stay, it stays. If you doubt me now, please go and verify this information from Job in the Bible who was stinkingly rich then became devastatingly poor and lost everyone too then God gave Him back all He permitted him to lose (This is even though the Bible said Job was a righteous man, the devil was just looking for trouble here and there and also looking for whom to devour).

Somebody say "GOD LIVES".

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Written by the admin (Blog Owner): Take it okay, okay

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