

Sadness: Read and what's your view

Sadness: Read and what's your view

In the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of joy...

He is the Joy of our Salvation...

Being sad for a second doesn't mean you are not a Christian.

The Rich can be sad, the poor can be sad.

Some say happiness is a choice. But, check out an instance whereby you lose a close loved one or watch such person struggle in pains in hospital, on an accident scene, at home, at work etc. You may not be happy at that moment but Joy comes from the Hope that comes with Salvation in Christ Jesus.

Some causes of sadness are short-lived while some last for a long time.

Yet, the Holy Bible says that it better for one to go to where people mourn than to go to where people celebrate because it helps one remember that one day everyone in one way or the other will die or leave this world. Then, it helps us shape the way we live.

After this life:
Some of the Rich go to heaven.
Some of the Rich go to hell.
Some of the poor go to heaven.
Some of the poor go to hell.

Remember the story of the Rich man and the poor man who later met each other later after they died. The poor was in heaven while the Rich in hell:

The poverty, pain, sorrow, lack of food, being forgotten by those who could enrich him and sickness etc. were not what gave him heaven, it was the perseverance in God and some other good attributes God must have seen in him.

The money of the Rich did not buy him heaven but he was extremely sad  in hell as he wished to come back to warn his rich family members but he was told that there are  enough men and women of God for them to bring down their ego and learn from. What I am particularly bringing out from the Rich family left behind is that the great pain of losing the deceased was not enough for God to write their names in the Book of life for eternal life and the deceased was still sure they will all end up in hell just like him without being told by anyone even with the sorrows in them.

Some sadness and depression could be suicidal. Just think anti-suicidal whether it was death, sickness, loss of love relationship, lack of money, ridicule in the society, tarnishing of name etc, that caused the sadness in you, always stay strong as such is life. We are told in the Bible that when these things happen to us because of our Godly choice(s) that we should be very happy (Joy of Salvation).
Secondly, we are warned that God knows the number of hairs on our hair and that we cannot create ourselves or any other full fleshed human being, so we do not have such right to take our own life.

Life can be hard in riches.

Life can be hard in poverty.

Stay strong.

Music is good to the soul but at the point of sadness, choose music that relieves you of pain and not increase lyrics wise and otherwise.

For instance, you just had the hardest love relationship break up of your life and you decide to pick songs that makes you keep remembering the person when you have not healed. Next thing, they will spread news about attempted suicide or suicide that was successful and you will just die like that and the person will move on.

Or you are still in the relationship and you can't help yourself out because you know something is missing. Sadness can be healed by Joy of Salvation (Hope in God).

Just hear me out, that's all.

What say you?

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Written by the admin (Blog Owner): Take it okay, okay

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