There are two main things that the Holy Bible admonished/told us are the signs to know as a Christian (a follower of the ways of Jesus Christ) if you already have eternal life even as you are still here on earth:

(i) When you can genuinely perform Miracles and Wonders in the name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ just like the disciples of Jesus Christ (God, the Son) when He sent them on a mission to use His name to help people and even those people in the Holy Bible that were not aent directly by Jesus Christ (the volunteerers- they did the work of God out of their own free will) that the disciples told Jesus Christ that they saw performing the same miracles and wonders with His name (Jesus Christ). So, this world is filled with both people who are against Jesus Christ (God, the Son) and those who are for Jesus Christ (God, the Son).

(ii) when you are being persecuted for doing the commands and will of Jesus Christ (God, the Son). Be righteous in the eyes of God; and not in the eyes of worldly human beings.

"Right from the days of John the Baptist, the Kingdom of God (Heaven) suffers violence and only the violent takes it by force."

If the kingdom of God (Heaven/Eternal life) is suffering violence, then why will marriages and families on earth not suffer violence from the kingdom of darkness (fiery furnace/Hell fire) afterall, marriages and families are instituted by God even right from the very beginning of creation of mankind on this earth (the days of Adam and Eve). 

The union of Adam and Eve comprises of both one marriage and one family at the same time even if they ended up having a misunderstanding because of the evil snake that convinced Eve (the first ever woman created on this earth by God) to do what God asked them not to do; and in turn, Eve convinced Adam (the first ever man created on this earth by God) to do that same thing that God asked them not to do. The woman first sinned against God before the man followed the same footstep. The man (Adam) forgot how close he and God was with each other before the woman came into his life (also through God's intervention). 

The sin of Adam and Eve (even if it was caused/promoted by the devil/satan) was as a result of their disobedience to God Almighty and their obedience to the devil.Adam and Eve both chose to disobey God and obey the devil because of the fake promise of the devil.

Even after the godless ancient world was destroyed with flood because of the worldly violence of the people back then, God left eight people (out of Adam and Eve many descendants) that was made up of four adult couples (that is, four marriages) and those eight people were made up of one family (that is, the family of Noah and his wife). This Noah's family (one family) comprised of only four families from the four marriages (four couples) back then.

No matter which period you want to look at, the world (ancient world and the new world after the flood) started with just one family from the way God chose it to happen:
(i) The family of Adam in the beginning of creation.
(ii) The family of Noah after the destructive flood that killed almost everyone on this earth back then.

(A) In the beginning of creation, God started mankind's population (world's population) increment/multiplication with only Adam and Eve (one family of two people).

(B) After the godless ancient world was destroyed with flood by God Almighty, the world continued with one family of eight people (that is, the family of Noah with no kids but husbands and wives included). 

(C) Another similarity is that there were no little children (little kids) in the beginning of the world (that is, Adam's family) and no little children (that is, little kids) immediately after the godless ancient world was destroyed with flood (that is, Noah's family).

(A) Adam's family multiplication/increment (that is, Adam's descendants) started with just him and Eve (the first ever woman created out of man) while Noah's family increment/multiplication (the only Godly family descendants of Adam and Eve's union at that time that was worthy of God's approval) started with eight members of his family (which included Noah himself, most especially).

(B) The rate at which young ones (little kids/children) were born in Noah's family after the flood that destroyed the world is four (4) times the rate at which Adam's family gave birth to young ones to fill the earth (to spread across the world) too and this is based on the proportion of four couples after the deadly flood; to one couple created by God in the beginning of the world.

(C) The godless ancient world people lived longer years on this earth even while giving birth to new children. For instance, Noah was 600 years old when God asked him to build the boat (ark). Unlike the world we have now where people die at the age of 33years, 16years, 80years of age etc and it is rare to see those who get up to 100 years in this workd (in this day and time). So in comparison, as at the time that Noah had lived 600 years in that ancient godless world; 6 to 7 peopleee of more from the same blood line must have died in this day and time. In this day and time someone born 600 years ago can be confidently referred to as "an ancestor" and none of his/her agemates can be found anywhere in the world because they are all now ancestors. The rate at which people die now is higher than the rate at which people died in the ancient world so, imagine the number of human beings that God made sure that the flood killed while leaving only eight people alive in Noah's boat/ark as compared to the number of people in this world despite the incessant and numerouss death tolls. You see that the end of this present world is very easy for God. There is nothing too hard for God. Just make sure to face the promise of Eternal life/Kingdom of God/Heaven that God, the Father has given to those who believe in Jesus Christ (God, the Son) in this day and time (in our world today) while in this world of trial, tribulations and persecutions. What God Almighty cannot do, does not exist!

(D) Adam's family comprised of only Adam and Eve when they started (one couple; one marriage). Adam's family was made up of just: a man (called Adam) and a woman (called Eve). After the godless ancient world was destroyed with flood, Noah's family was made up of just eight people (that is, four couples of a man and woman each) which comprised of:
(i) Noah and his wife.
(ii) Noah's three sons (adults) and their three wives (that is, each son with one wife).

God loves the union between a man and a woman called marriage as it increases the population of people (most preferably, Godly children who will grow up into Godly adults to give birth to other Godly children) in this world. The important thing is to keep increasing Godly population of Godly young ones through giving birth (that is, procreation). 

The love of God in us as good Christians (which is the "good violence") for the other person as a fellow human being is important; and not hatred of the evil one in some people (which is the "evil violence") from one human being to the other. Having hatred for the devil means you have love for God in you; while having hatred for God means that you have love for the devil in you. A human being can either have God in him/her or have the devil in him/her. 

For instance, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us that when an evil possessed person is delivered of an evil spirit (that is, a demon) and the demon (evil spirit) goes round and sees nowhere to stay (most likely another living human being); it definitely goes back to where it was before (that is, the delivered person) and if there is no God in that person (that is, the way of Godliness), that same evil spirit (demon) will go back and gather more legions of evil spirits (demons) to enter into the already delivered person who has gone astray. 

Do you now see the reason why the Holy Bible says that you should not start what you cannot finish because once a person repents and that person comes to God (Jesus Christ says, "Come to me all you that are heavily ladened/burdened and I will give you rest"), the evil spirit leaves that person but if you make the mistake of leaving God (that is,  leaving the way of Godliness) and the evil spirit realizes/notices it, that same evil spirit will go and get more demons (evil spirits) like it to possess that same person that has gone astray after being delivered before from evil. Hence, the situation becomes worse and the person becomes worse than before he or she first truly repented and it will be harder for that person to retrace his or her steps back to God Almighty through repentance. So, as a good Christian, be rooted and founded on the Love of the word of God (that is, Jesus Christ is "THE WORD"). The book of revelation teaches us that whoever is a slave of sin should continue being a slave of sin; and whoever is a slave of righteousness should continue being a slave of righteousness. We all know that being a slave of righteousness till the very end is the right choice to make eternal life; whereas being a slave of sin till the very end only leads to eternal death. "Make the right choice and fight the good fight."

Trust in God and do as He says/tells you to so that the dry bones (that is, dead bones) in your marriage can rise again (that is, come back to life). When bones in the body of a person is not functioning well, the person will not really have the strength to walk well. Strong bones signifies strength. Only God can give you the true strength to walk through a marriage in the way that he wants. Those who do not trust God find it hard to do what God wants them to do. Take for instance in our day-to-day lives, it is hard to trust anybody who has deceived us before. God does not deceive anyone so, trust God and do as He says (do what God tells you to do).

Jesus Christ (God, the Son) told Simon Peter (and by extension told us too) to take care of His other apostles and disciples (that is, other good Christians) placed under his care and watch which is the way Jesus Christ assigned Simon Peter (and by extension assigned every good Christian on this earth) to show that he truly loves Him (Jesus Christ).

Put your trust in God, the Son (Jesus Christ) and take care of your husbands (for females) or your wives (for males) who are your fellow good Christians. You see now that if each spouse (whether male or female) decides to combine the Love of Jesus Christ (that is, love for God) in him/her and; the love for his/her spouse (that is, love for a fellow human being or neighbour) in the marriage everything will be committed into God's care, guidance and protection. For Jesus Christ (God, the Son) says that the two greatest commandments are:
(i) Love God with your whole heart and mind.
(ii) Love your fellow human beings (Love your neighbor as yourself). Remember that your spouse (that is, your wife or your husband) is your fellow human being (that is, one of your closest neighbors in this life).

What the Holy Bible says specificcally about how a man and his wife should live together as one body is mainly that:
(i) Men are told to love their wives respectively.
(ii) Women are told to submit (give respect) to their husbands respectively.

Questions for everyone (both males and females): 

(1) What type of love did Jesus Christ ask a man to have for his wife? 

Answer to the above question: The main type of love that Jesus Christ told a man to have for/show his wife is the type of love he has for the church.

(2) How Jesus Christ mainly show His great love for the church? 

Answer to the above question: 
(i) Jesus Christ died for the church and for the growth of the church (for good Christians, most especially). There is no greater love than for a man to give up his life for another person. So, if you genuinely tell your wife that you can, literally, die for her then, you are not too far from the Kingdom of God (Heaven/Eternal life). It is not even as if a good Christian wife will want her good Christian husband to physically die for her for any reason but it is only if the need arises and it could mean leaving his own needs (as a hisband) atimes to satisfy her own needs (the needs of his wife). 

(ii) Jesus Christ (God, the Son) sent Simon Peter to take care of the other apostles and disciples (that is, the church of good Christians) and Jesus Christ (God, the Son) also sent His angel to spread the message of His second coming to the churches ever since. So, as a husband even if you are not physically around to your wife, get her people and things that will make her feel at home and one with you then if she decides not to be with you as many have already decided not to genuinely be with Jesus Christ (God, the Son) even inside the church of God (that is, those called Christians in this world but are not Christians in the sight of God) after all that Jesus Christ (God, the Son) has done for everyone, is doing for everyone and has planned to do for everyone who believes in him; then that's between her and your good Lord God (Our Lord Jesus Christ).

(3) Why should people be careful of whom they marry?

Answer to the above question: 
(i) A good Christian man needs/has to be careful of the woman that he ends up marrying because he actually must love his wife as it is a command of our Lord Jesus Christ (God, the Son). If you love an evil wife (that is, an evil woman), it will be hard not to love her evil ways because she is now one with you (one body and one family). Having hatred for the devil means you have love for God in you; while having hatred for God means that you have love for the devil in you.

(ii) A good Christian woman needs/has to be careful of the man that she ends up marrying because she needs/has to submit to her husband. When a wife submits to/respects the will of an evil husband/man (who does evil in the sight of God; and not by the measure of human worldly standards) then the woman will in one way or the other commit sin upon sin against God if not careful/alert/watchful at all. All this is because when you obey God (righteousness), it means that you are disobeying the devil; but when you disobey God then it means that you are obeying the devil (sins/iniquities) in one way or the other. Moreover, nobody is allowed by God, the Son to be neither cold nor hot. If you are not a fervent Christian or even a weak Christian, Jesus Christ (God, the Son) will spit you out of the people of God.

God never sleeps because:
(i) the morning in one country is the afternoon in another country and also the evening in yet another country. 

(ii) The daylight in one country is the night in another country.

(iii) The period of death of one person is the period of new life of another person.

(iv) Presently before the second coming of Jesus Christ (God, the Son) and the total end of this world, the time/period to start the journey of life on this earth for a new born baby is the same time/period to bring another person into the journey of the after life (whether eternal life in the kingdom of God or eternal death in the kingdom of darkness).



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