Based on the Holy Bible research on the Book of Revelation written by Prophet John, God sent his four angels to position themselves at the four corners of the earth.
Let's say, for instance, that the earth is on the four edges of a square. Based on the fact that we all are in it and we all know that a square is flat in shape but a dice just like a ludo dice used in playing the ludo game has hollow/space in it unlike only one square, then the earth has a shape of "A DICE." "A DICE HAS ONLY FOUR MAIN CORNERS."
A dice can be rolled if we talk about the different days and different times etc.
Based on the Holy Bible research on the Book of Revelation written by Prophet John one can, typically, say that the shape of this earth is a "DICE SHAPE." GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!
Sing this Song of the greatness of the one true God that we know as the good Christians that we are:
*** He's a great God.
*** He's a great God.
*** He's a great God.
*** The God I know.
*** He's a great God.
*** He's a great God.
*** He's a great God.
*** The God I know.
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